In a groundbreaking new book, author Virginia Somerset lifts the curtain off “Darcy’s Reckoning,” a captivating retelling of “Pride and Prejudice” that delves into the depths of Fitzwilliam Darcy’s soul. The author invites readers to revisit Pemberley and witness a side of Darcy that Jane Austen never explored – providing a fresh perspective on the beloved classic.
In this reimagining, Darcy, once guided solely by the pursuit of wealth and societal expectations, finds himself alone and in despair after losing the only woman who values his true character. While standing in a crowded assembly room, he forms an acquaintance that challenges his understanding of the feminine mind and inspires him to become a better man.
Through Darcy’s deepest thoughts and emotions, readers are taken on a journey as he grapples with self-discovery and acknowledges his own culpability for the suffering of others. Seizing the opportunity to save the woman he loves against the backdrop of familiar “Pride and Prejudice,” the narrative unfolds, providing a wide range of events that shed light on Darcy’s motivations and actions.
About The Author
Virginia Somerset, who came late to the Jane Austen fan club, credits Bridget Jones’ Diary as her first exposure to the plot of Pride and Prejudice. Her love for the original novels, the complexity of characters and relationships, and the inimitable beauty of the prose eventually inspired her to write a possible explanation for the curious behavior of Mr. Darcy on the night of his introduction to Elizabeth Bennet.
Virginia spends her time in a charming yellow house in a college town in California with her family, pets, and garden. Known for her knack for knitting, she adds a personal touch to her interactions, and if you hold still long enough, she is likely to knit something for you.
Media Contact
Company Name: Virginia Somerset
Contact Person: Virginia Somerset
Email: Send Email
City: San Francisco
State: California
Country: United States
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